How does your support improve the lives of those living with intellectual disabilities in our community?
Dear friends,
Technology has transformed our daily lives and created a world in which
we easily and quickly learn, develop new skills, and simply communicate.
When technology is available to those with intellectual disabilities, their
lives are transformed. These devices present a true opportunity for inclusivity,
connection, education, and the ability to overcome daily obstacles through a
myriad of new apps today supporting people in services.
With your support, we will expand access to technology for people in our
services. We will infuse iPads and computers in our day programs. We will
expand our use of ‘talking’ technology for people with limited communication.
We will teach cell phone use to increase independence and safety. And, we
will explore the next generation of technology that can help our consumers
stay healthy and safe as they age.
The use of technology both in Area Residential Care homes and day services
promises to provide considerable aide in helping our consumers achieve their
highest quality of life.
What have past annual appeal donations made possible at Area Residential Care?
With your support we have been able to fully remodel four bathrooms in our homes making them modern and even more accessible for consumers.
Annual appeal donations have allowed us to purchase two new agency vehicles. These handicapped accessible vehicles have made way for even more consumer community outings.
Technology is making inclusivity a two-way street. It has played a huge role in both the way the world interacts with individuals with intellectually disabilities and how the individuals connect to the world.
With gratitude,
Susan Freeman
Executive Director