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Adopt an
Area Residential Care
home for the holidays!
Looking for a way to spread good cheer this holiday season? Consider adopting an Area Residential Care home for the holidays! Area Residential Care's 13 residences are currently occupied by 73 individuals. By adopting an Area Residential Care home, you help us to provide household essentials, games, crafts and more to intellectually disabled adults as they celebrate the holiday season in our homes. Join us in making this holiday season a magical time of celebration for those living with disabilities in our community.
We will be collecting donations between December 1 - 15. Gifts may be dropped off to the Area Residential Care main office 3355 Kennedy Circle Dubuque, Iowa 52002 during business hours Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Gifts may be delivered wrapped or unwrapped.
Wish list Items:​
Baking Kits
Small Cooking Appliances (Electronic Mixers, Blenders, etc.)
Holiday Movies
Games and Puzzles (100 - 250 pieces)
Puzzle Books
Art Supplies
Coloring Books
Gingerbread House Kits
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